
Required dependencies

xarray Bug fix


xarray (0.7.x branch) has a bug that prevents it from handling properly DataArrays whose dimensions are numpy record arrays. PTSA actually relies on this functionality quite a lot so you have two choices:

  1. Downgrade to xarray 0.6.x branch (in which case you will be installing xray not xarray)
  2. Patch xarray code

Patching your xarray installation (versions 0.7.x only!)

To patch your existing xarray installation you need to replace

def array_equiv(arr1, arr2):

function in xarray/core/ (it will be located in site-packages directory of your Python installation) with te following code:

def array_equiv(arr1, arr2):
    """Like np.array_equal, but also allows values to be NaN in both arrays
    arr1, arr2 = as_like_arrays(arr1, arr2)
    if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
        return False

    flag_array = (arr1 == arr2)

    # GH837, GH861
    # isnull fcn from pandas will throw TypeError when run on numpy structured array
    # therefore for dims that are np structured arrays we skip testing for nan


        flag_array |= (isnull(arr1) & isnull(arr2))

    except TypeError:

    return bool(flag_array.all())


This bug will be fixed in the upcoming release of xarray

Optional dependencies

For netCDF and IO

  • netCDF4: recommended if you want to use xarray for reading or writing netCDF files
  • h5netcdf: an alternative library for reading and writing netCDF4 files that does not use the netCDF-C libraries



If you are reinstalling PTSA please go to Reinstalling PTSA first and follow the instructions

To download PTSA you can either clone PTSA repository by typing the following from your shell:

mkdir PTSA_GIT
git clone .
git checkout ptsa_1.0.0

or click the following link:

which will download zipped repository to your machine.


It is a good idea to check the latest version of PTSA using page interface and replace <latest_version> in the checkout call below.

git checkout <latest_version>

with the most recent version e.g.

git checkout ptsa_1.0.1

After you downloaded PTSA go to PTSA directory and run the following command

python install

This will start the installation process that will involve compilation of fftw library, compilation of c/c++ PTSA extension modules and copying of Python files into ‘’‘site-packages’‘’ directory of your python distribution

Assuming everything went OK , at this point you should have PTSA distribution ready to run.

Reinstalling PTSA

Before you reinstall PTSA you should remove previous build files (C/C++ compiler outputs). To do so go to


and remove the directories that begin with


We will automate this process soon but for now some manual labor is requires