PTSA - EEG Time Series Analysis in Python

PTSA is an open source project and Python package that facilitates time-series analysis of EEG signals using Python. PTSA builds on xarray functionality and provides several convenience tools that significantly simplify analysis of the EEG data..

To use all features provided by PTSA you will need to install several dependencies: xarray, scipy, numpy, PyWavelets and make sure you have working c/c++ compiler on your machine when you install PTSA

The main object that you will be interacting in PTSA is called TimeSeriesX (X in TimeSeriesX signifies the fact that TimeSeriesX is a subclass of xarray.DataArray). Besides, PTSA has 3 main categories of objects: readers, writers, filters. Readers , read various data formats (e.g eeg files, bipolar electrodes files etc..) to make input operations as smooth as possible. Writers (still under development) will output data in several formats (currently only NetCDF output is supported). Filters take as an input TimeSeriesX object and output diffrent TimeSeriesX object. Most of the tasks related to EEG analysis will rely on using those 3 categories of PTSA objects.


Indices and tables